Hi and thank you for taking interest in my art.

My work is inspired by feelings, everyday life and my immediate environment. The portraits or depiction of objects are often a fusion between reality and imagination to reveal the internal world of emotion and sensation. I work digitally or with acrylics and oil. Creative practice allows for a space to create my own visual language, often inspired by digital graphic design codes with an emphasis on female presence and optimism.

Lately, I have been experimenting with acrylics and oil painting. Creating analog art, offers an escape from the fast pacing environment and inevitable ups and downs of human presence. Whenever I can, I try to share creative activities with others. 

Having my own narrative in my works, I prefer to let the viewer develop his own story, informed by his unique experiences and path in life. What is your interpretation and how does my art communicate with you?

Lynn Schiltz


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